Monday, July 20, 2009

six (six six)

Monday sucks. But after a weekend like this last one, I'm not complaining. Just check that photo.

Big ups to Chrissy and Luke Muller, Skye, and the dudes who wanted to fuck me up for making it a banger. Seriously.

Friday night: Show at Burn, followed by a 21st.

Left behind one garden chair at the bottom of the pool, plus a beer tub that thought it was a boat. Also, a few minor cuts and bruises and a birthday girl in tears. Thanks for the beer by the way.

After this it was off to Chris's with acquired booze in tow (two six packs and bottles of assorted mix. whoever's beer it was, i'm sorry, get hold of me and i'll buy you some more).

After telling some girl that she fellated some guy i was confronted by a pair of collared shirts looking for a scuffle. After some light strangling and a fist to the face the situation was diffused. Drinking ensued followed by attempted poohs on the lawn and hard spooning. (more beer tubs doing boat impressions as well).

Saturday morning rung in to the sweet sound of "dude your car almost got stolen, it's cool, it's down the road", so the morning was spent in the company of the popo.

Saturday night: Tom got fucked.

Never before has a hardcore band given such props to the police, who had earlier kicked down a metal fence and pistol whipped some dude for making his girlfriend scream (and not in a nice way).

We had a great show though, so thanks to everyone who came out and supported and gave us your love. We love u guys much.

Thankfully Tom made it home alive (special thanks to Ryan for being is chaffeur)

All in all a great weekend.


by Russell. (It was Luke's car that was stolen)

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